Easy Vegan Recipes

Simple plant-based recipes, without all the fluff.

You don't need our life story to figure out how to make a new dish for dinner. That's why we try to publish recipes with the necessary context, but without unneeded filler content.


Regardless of your diet style, beliefs, or reasons - we’re here to help make eating plant-based and living vegan a little easier for you.

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Get exactly the information you need to make your next vegan meal, learn about how to take the next step in pursuing a plant-based and eco-friendly lifestyle, and other helpful tips, tricks, and resources!

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Learn About Living A Vegan Lifestyle

To us, the specifics of someone’s dietary, clothing, or other choices are just that - their choice. So whether you’ve been vegan for 30 years or are just now starting to be veg-curious, welcome.

Any efforts towards making this world a kinder, healthier place should be celebrated. Knowledge, compassion, and support are the key ingredients to making that possible.

Honey dripping from a jar with a piece of honeycomb and a wooden dipper

Vegan Alternatives for Honey

Honey, a natural sweetener known for its rich flavor and sticky texture, has long been a staple in many diets. However, those following a vegan lifestyle avoid honey due to…

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Plant-based burger with fries

Vegan Fast Food Options

Always on the go? Do you find it challenging to grab a quick bite while still adhering to your vegan lifestyle? Fortunately, with the increasing popularity of veganism, many fast-food…

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Vitamin capsules with leafy greens and broccoli

What Vitamins are Most Important on a Vegan Diet?

If you’re following a vegan diet, it’s important to make sure you’re getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals. While a well-planned vegan diet can provide all the nutrients your…

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Various plant-based milk ingredients scattered around non-dairy milk jugs

Choosing the Best Plant-Based Vegan Milks

Are you looking for the best vegan plant milk options? With so many alternatives to cow’s milk, it can be overwhelming to choose which one is right for you. Whether…

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Person looking confused surrounded by different foods and question marks, wondering if foods are healthy

Is Vegan Food Always Healthy? Debunking the Myth

If you’re considering switching to a vegan diet or have been eating plant-based for some time, you may be wondering if all vegan food is healthy. While a vegan diet…

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Roma tomatoes on the vine, ready for canning

How to Can Tomatoes: The Canning Process

Looking for a way to preserve the abundance of tomatoes from your garden or local farmer’s market? Canning tomatoes is a great way to enjoy them all year round. The…

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